Gold Medal Software 3
Gold Medal Software - Volume 3 (Gold Medal) (1994).iso
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167 lines
This library is a basis library of sprites functions for the
VGA 18 mode, with 640 x 480 resolution.
It hold 256 color (displayed as 16 color), F16, EAS sprite.
All other sprite formats are included in the registered
library that holds functions for bitmap 16 colors compressed or
You also get the ASM source of this VGA 18 library with the
registered version.
Way in which a sprite is displayed depends both the chosen
function and the VGA writing mode defined by the WRITEMODE
function. This function sets the COPY, AND, OR or XOR logical
modes for all further displays. Functions of sprite handles
three drawing modes: COPY, OVER background, UNDER background.
Sprites modes and VGA modes can be combined.
In COPY mode, the background of the image of the sprite is put
on the screen, in OVER mode, only the no black pixels are put
on the screen, in UNDER mode, the no black pixels of the sprite
replace the previous black pixels on the screen.
VGA 18 library variables:
int XL18; Left border in pixels.
int YT18; Top.
int XR18; Right border in pixels.
int YB18; Bottom.
char XBL; Left border in bytes.
char XBR; Right in bytes.
extern char COLOR16; Current color.
char PENCOL18; Text color.
char PALETTE; Current palette number.
char count; Internal variable.
FILE *SF Internal variable.
VGA 18 library functions.
All sprite functions but MSPRITE display sprite from bottom to
top of the screen.
For functions having pixel coordinate,
x = 0..639,
y = 0..479.
For functions with no boundary,
x = 0..79.
y = 0..479.
The address is either the absolute address in memory of the
sprite or value the GETSPspriteadr function of MCGALIB returns.
void setscreen2(int mode);
Set the screen resolution:
18 = VGA high resolution.
3 = Text mode.
int VRTload(int x,int y,char *adr,char *name);
Load and display a VRT screen. adr must point out a memory
buffer size of which being that of the file.
void writemode(int code);
Set the VGA write mode. Codes for the 'code' variable are
those of the VGA card, and no the same some languages use.
0 = COPY.
8 = AND.
16 = OR.
24 = XOR.
void window18(int left,int top,int right,int bottom);
Set the window borders.
void cls18(int color);
Clear the screen inside the windows, with the color (0..15).
char *getspadr18(int ns);
Get address of sprite number ns.
void setpalvga(int col,int register);
Set value "register" to the color.
Value 0..63, color 0..15.
void setallvga(unsigned char *paladdress);
Set the 16 colors palette, with values the 'paladdress' va-
points out. The field holds 17 numbers, the first is unused,
the followings are values of the 16 colors. This don's change
RGB registers, one can use MCGALIB functions for that.
void putsxy(int x, int y,char *string);
Put the string at x,y. With color PENCOL18.
x = 1..80
y = 1..30
int getfast(int xl,int yt,int xr,int yb,char *BUFFER);
Get a block of screen to BUFFER which must be previously
allocate. Use fastsprite to put it on the screen.
void fastsprite(int x,int y,char *spriteadr);
Display a F16 sprite with no boundary, in COPY mode, and logi-
cal mode according to the WRITEMODE setting.
void fastspritec(int x,int y,char *spriteadr);
The same function with window limits.
void nbfastsprite(int x,int y,char *spriteadr,int code);
Display a F16 sprite with pixel coordinate, in OVER drawing
mode, with logical mode according to 'code'. Reset setting of
the WRITEMODE function.
void easprite(int x,int y,char *spriteadr);
Display an EAS sprite, no boundary, with OVER drawing mode.
void fasteasprite(int x,int y,char *spriteadr);
As the previous one, with COPY drawing mode.
void sp256(int x,int y,char *spriteadr);
Display a 256 colors sprite, with pixel coordinate, with 16
colors and OVER drawing mode.
void sp256(int x,int y,char *spriteadr);
The same function with window limits.
void csp256(int x,int y,char *spriteadr);
As the previous one, with COPY drawing mode.
void icon18(int x,int y,char *spriteadr);
Display an icon created with the i, j or k commands of MegaS-
prites (with pixel coordinate).
void csp256(int x,int y,char *spriteadr);
The same function with window limits.
void icon18(int x,int y,char *spriteadr);
Display a 16 color icon. Color 9 is the background color.
The assembly 80286, VGA18.OBJ module can be linked to a pro-
gram of any language, according to the instructions manual of
the language gives.
Using the C language, one may include the VGA18.h header. in
the C source of the program.
Option are:
- Model large.
- Case-sensitive.
This example program show how to use some sprite functions pro-
vided in the VGA18 library, with an automaton.
The method I use here is the simplest: I put a sprite in COPY
mode that erases himself the previous image. The black border
of the sprite allows a shift of the image.
Another simple method is to use the XOR mode with a reduced set
of color inside the animation field. The best of all is the co-
lor plane technique. More on all that with examples in the re-
gistered version...